Sunday, November 25, 2007

Airport Deplaning - Where do people thing they are going?

Another travel favorite...

The plane you're on lands. You're seated in row 24 of the plane, which means conservatively there are anywhere from 100-200 people ahead of you waiting to get off the plane. Invariably, some douche bag from a row even further back of the plane tries to worm his way forward.

Where the f? does he think he's going? Is he going to climb over bodies like at a "Great White" concert?

We're all eager to get off the plane. What's the mindset of this person? They want to be #110 off the plane and not #101? I was particularly amused by someone who pulled this move today and he had checked baggage! Sooooooo, you're in a big hurry to get off the plane so you can wait at the baggage carousel for an extra five minutes?

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