Sunday, November 25, 2007

AA Sucks

So, I've finally almost got 25,000 miles to get a free ticket. My wife agrees to transfer some of her miles to me.

AA charges a fee to transfer miles. Why? Is there some processing cost I'm unaware of? Ok, I'll grant them that. The kicker? The transfer cost is variable. What does that mean? They provide a scale. The more miles you transfer, the higher the cost. WHAT?! Are you telling me that AA's cost are higher if they are transferring 750 miles v. 500 miles? Unbelievable.

And that's supposed to be their "loyalty" program?!!

Airlines - flying the hellish skies

The airlines have managed to suck any joy out of travel. The biggest offenders are the legacy carriers - Delta, US, United, American, Northwest. I don't have a beef with JetBlue or Southwest. They walk the walk. However, all the big carriers pay lip service to customer care, but don't do anything to demonstrate it. Their flight attendants are old and surly and aren't interested in making the flight more enjoyable.

When was the last time you walked up to the check-in counter at one of the legacy carriers to try and catch an earlier flight and all they did was ask for your boarding card, id and then printed out a new boarding card - like Southwest does. The big guys are just out to nickel and dime you to death with fees for everything.

Hilary or the Highway to Canada?

Here's a choice:

If Hilary was elected President, would you remain a U.S. citizen or apply for citizenship to another country?

Why do I think Hilary would be a terrible President? She doesn't have the temperament. She's petty, spiteful and vindicative. She won't try to reach across the aisle to work with Republicans, she'll just climb into bed with Feinstein and Pelosi and take potshots at the Republicans.

Additionally, the Republicans are going to look at her high negatives and not have any motivation to work with because they'll assume they can make her a one term President.

Joe Kennedy - Too Soon

Was listening to the Jim Rome radio show, guest hosted by Jay Mohr, when Jay read the breaking news that major league baseball pitcher Joe Kennedy had died unexpectedly at the age of 28 (I think). Jay's comment was, "he died of mediocrity" which was followed, after a quick pause, by "too soon."

Timing's everything Jay. If you have the chance to hear Jay host the Jim Rome show, definitely tune in. He was incredibly funny.

Great book and not as blasphemous as it sounds

Just finished reading a great book: "Lamb: The Gospel According to Jesus' Childhood Pal, Biff"
Very funny and not as blasphemous as it sounds. The book is narrated by Biff who's brought back to life to write the gospel that covers Jesus' life from 8-9 years old up to cruxifiction (sp). Definitely check it out.

Bes show on TV - "Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

If you are a fan (present or past) of any of the following, you need to checkout "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" airing on F/X:

*South Park
*30 Rock
*The Office
*Rescue Me

This show is hilarious. The best description I've seen is, "it's like Seinfeld on crack."

Work Weasels

One of my favorites...

First a question. A vote of hands. How many people thing that e-mail is either permanent or very hard to erase? Ok, I see the majority of hands are up. So, answer me this? Why would ANYONE write anything inflammatory in an email?

Good example...weasel employee complains about his role/position not to his/her manager but to a "trusted" superior. What does the weasel employee think he's going to do with that email? That's right, forward it directly to weasel employee's manager!

Baggage Carousel - someone's bag has to be first?

Has your bag EVER been first off the carousel?

Why are people such psychos about standing around the carousel?

Why do people desperately lunge after their bags? Have they not figured out that it's a CAROUSEL and the bag will be back around again?

How about the people who can't seem to remember the bag they packed only a few hours ago? These are the people that turn over every bag on the carousel. "is this the one? is this the one? is this the one?" If you're so stupid as to not be able to remember your bag, maybe, just maybe, you should put some kind of identifier on it?!

Cell phones - who the hell is everyone talking to?

I have to admit it, cell phones drive me crazy! Who are all these self-consumed people talking to while they're driving? What's SO important that you have to be completely distracted while going 70 mph down the highway in your 5,000 lb Suburban?

Airport Deplaning - Where do people thing they are going?

Another travel favorite...

The plane you're on lands. You're seated in row 24 of the plane, which means conservatively there are anywhere from 100-200 people ahead of you waiting to get off the plane. Invariably, some douche bag from a row even further back of the plane tries to worm his way forward.

Where the f? does he think he's going? Is he going to climb over bodies like at a "Great White" concert?

We're all eager to get off the plane. What's the mindset of this person? They want to be #110 off the plane and not #101? I was particularly amused by someone who pulled this move today and he had checked baggage! Sooooooo, you're in a big hurry to get off the plane so you can wait at the baggage carousel for an extra five minutes?

Why are people sheep?

A couple of my favorite, "people are sheep" examples:

1. You're leaving the movie theater and there's two doors. One door is open, so everyone is squeezing through that one and creating a bootleneck. Why does no one ever bother to check the second door? Invariably it's unlocked.

Are people assuming people AREN'T stupid?! Of course your fellow lemming movie goers haven't checked the other door. They're dolts.

2. Today, Thanksgiving holiday travel. I'm in the American Airlines line at Louisville Airport. There are three self-service check-in's. Is anyone using them? No, of course not. They're all standing in-line waiting behind the proverbial "one door" line. I ask, from my position eight people back, something to the effect of either "those are open" or "is anyone going to use those" and one lady moves forward; after that standstill.

We get a little closer - I'm exasperated at this point - so I move to the head of the line. A woman calls out, "I'm waiting for those." Naturally there's two open and some dumbass dad who's never been on a plane before is blocking one of them. Sending his rotten kids back to the wife/mother; another broken home!